Company incorporation in Romania

Company incorporation in Romania

Thanks to its experience of more than 20 years in Romania, LPG is a trustworthy partner those who want to set up a business or incorporate a company in Romania.

LPG is for example able to answer all the questions that arise when it comes to setting up a company in Romania: should you create an SA or a SARL? Where to fix the regitered address? Who can be a partner of a company in Romania? What is the minimum amount of share capital? Is it mandatory to have a Romanian partner or manager? Where and how to open a bank account for a company in Romania? etc...

Once the contours of the project have been perfectly defined, our assistance in setting up a company in Romania includes the following steps:

  • assistance with legal formalities for the creation of a company in Romania (SA or SARL),
  • drafting of legal statutes,
  • registration in the commercial register of Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj, Oradea, Timisoara, Arad, Sibiu, Brasov, Constanta, Galati etc...
  • obtaining the Romanian tax code,
  • obtaining the VAT number in Romania,
  • assistance in opening bank accounts in a Romanian bank.

The duration and cost of the company incorporation procedure in Romania depends in particular on the number of partners, whether these partners are natural persons or legal persons and whether or not the company must be registered with Romanian VAT. The process can then last, depending on the situation, from a few days to several weeks.

Acquisition of existing Romanian companies

In some situations, it may be more appropriate to buy an existing company than to create a new one (purchase of an existing business, etc.). In this case, we will speak of a Merger & Acquisition approach, the key stages of which will be as follows:

  • identification of targets and approach of existing structures likely to be purchased
  • evaluation of structures (economic valuation and overall evaluation);
  • negotiation assistance (in French and Romanian);
  • legal support.

Setting up a joint venture is when the project consists of bringing together a Romanian partner and a foreign partner in a joint venture. It can be the constitution of a new company in common, or the purchase of an existing company in common. The process of setting up a joint venture follows the following intervention scheme:

  • identification of potential partners;
  • development of business plans;
  • drafting of shareholders' pacts;
  • management of cultural differences;
  • implementation and monitoring of economic performance indicators.

LPG Romania

LPG Romania is a leading Romanian accounting firm, member of the LPG group, present since 2002 in Romania. LPG Romania has acquired concrete experience of the problems of foreign companies that decided to establish themselves in Romania and delivers the fruit of its experience to its customers.

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