Business taxation

Published on Jan 15, 2014 by LPG

Summary of different tax deadlines

Romanian corporate taxes are paid:

  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • biannually
  • annually

The following summarizes the corporate taxes which are generally paid by companies here, without specifics as to amounts due:

(i) the type of company
(ii) the size of the company
(iii) the sector of the company
(iv)  other features of the company


Tax return form 100 (income tax);
Tax returnform 112 (payroll tax);
Tax return form 300 (VAT declaration);
Tax return form 390 (declaration on acquisitions and deliveries of intra-communitary goods and services).


Tax return form 100 (income tax);
Tax return form 112 (payroll tax);
Tax return form 300 (VAT declaration);


Tax return form 100 (income tax);
Tax return form 300 (VAT declaration);
Tax return form 394 (tax declaration on deliveries and services carried out in Romania)


Tax return form 100 (income tax);
Tax return form 205 (withholding taxes);
Tax return form 300 (VAT declaration);
Tax return form 392 (tax declaration on deliveries and services carried out by companies who have a turnover of less than 35,000 EUR).

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