
Published on Mar 6, 2014 by LPG

Deadline for declaring employment contracts as of February 1, 2010

Employers must now send a complete record of employ for new employees (REGES or REVISAL) to the Labor Inspectorate. This record must include all identification data of the new employee (name, surname, personal id number) and information on the employment contract (start date, type of contract, position) as of the start date of the employee at the very latest.

Similarly, termination of employment contracts must be sent to the general registry of employees (REGES or REVISAL) which is then sent to the Labor Inspectorate the day the work terminates.

In terms of the regulation which was in previously in force, the employer had 20 days after the hire date to complete the record and notify the Labor Inspectorate and 5 days for terminations.

The law sets a fine of 1,500 RON for each employment contract which is not completed in the general registry of employees (REGES or REVIVAL) by the deadline, although the fine cannot exceed 20,000 RON total. If there are errors in the records sent which are then detected in an inspection (ITM), fines can be between 3,500 RON and 5,000 RON.


Source : Decision 37 on 15.01.2010, to modify H.G. no. 161/2006, published in the JO on January 20, 2010.

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