
Published on Feb 18, 2015 by LPG

Romania is an ideal gateway country to the Eastern European market. One of the main advantages for entrepreneurs looking to invest in Romania is the relatively inexpensive labor from a skilled, multilingual workforce. Romanians enjoy a good standard of living on the most modest average salary in the European Union.

Romania's cream of the crop workforce are attracted to foreign companies for the promise of more attractive opportunities in international business.

Examples of various positions and their average monthly salaries in Romania:

Salary of a managing director starting at EUR 1,500
Salary of a specialist engineer starting at EUR 800
Salary of a bilingual secretary starting at EUR 300
Salary of an employee starting at EUR 200
Salary of a specialized worker starting at EUR 200

The average minimum gross monthly salary in Romania was 175 EUR (as of March 2013), 180 EUR (as of August 2013), is actually 190 EUR (850 RON) and will be 200 EUR (900 RON) in July 2014.

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